Where to find inspiration?

When you work in the creative industry and you have a lot of busy work to do, it’s often difficult to keep being inspired. You need to come up with new, creative ideas and projects on a daily basis and that can be quite stressful. Also the internet is full with brilliant creative projects and ideas and it all can become a little bit overwhelming at times.

Therefore we have collected a few useful tips for everyone to keep being inspired in your own, unique creativity.

  • Stay away from the internet for a certain amount of hours each day. This will help you to keep calm.
  • Start your day slowly, don’t rush into work.
  • Don’t see others as competition, appreciate the work of others without feeling overwhelmed or threatened.


Eine Antwort zu „Where to find inspiration?“

  1. Avatar von Ellen

    This is just a little comment, so happy I can write a comment here. Take care 🙂

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